NOWspace Renovation
NOWspace Renovation
10/27/21: Live and Learn Construction Grant - Images of Now Space (click to view image rendering)
For Immediate Release 8/28/21
Sugar Grove Public Library Awarded Grant for NOWspace Renovation
The Sugar Grove Public Library is pleased to announced that it has been awarded a matching grant valued at $85,692 to conduct a renovation to the front area of the Library formerly knows as the Café. The Aurora based architecture firm, Cordogan and Clark, partnered with the Sugar Grove Library to develop the project and perform the extensive planning needed to apply for funding. The Live and Learn construction grant is administered through the Illinois State Library and funded through an appropriation from the Illinois State Legislature. The new flexible, mixed use area will be called the NOWspace, in keeping with the charge that public Libraries must continually adapt to keep their facility “in the now.” The Sugar Grove Library is a District Library serving Sugar Grove, Sugar Grove Township, and part of Montgomery and Aurora with approximately 16,000 residents. The current facility was built in 2009, while the District has been in operation since 1963.
The grant, written by Library Director Shannon Halikias, will provide for updates that will provide more usable civic space, flexible mixed use space for programming, furniture refurbishments, and updates for better ADA accessibility including bathroom door assists, stability rails in stalls, and adaptable furniture. A key component of the project is the creation of two studios, an AV studio with recording technology and green screen and an additional podcasting and audio recording studio. “We have a call to perform fiscally responsible projects that meet the contemporary needs of patrons, and be a good steward to our building with needed updates. Our building is twelve years old, and how patrons use the Library differs from over a decade ago. “An area for the beloved booksale materials, group seating and hotel style counter for coffee and laptop use will be welcome highlights.
“Creating spaces for informally gathering, working, creating content and performing maker activities is key to a fully functioning contemporary library, “states Director Shannon Halikias. The studio spaces may be used for podcasting, recording and mixing, creating commercials for a business or social media, history projects, student media projects and more.
Tim Weber of Cordogan and Clark performed an evaluation of current patron spaces as well as ADA and mechanical needs which showed more work space for contemporary patron needs was needed. With Weber’s facility plan and a clear understanding of adaptability and technology needs from Halikias, the plan was constructed with an eye to a budget friendly project. “Our Library is incredibly grateful to Tim Weber and Cordogan and Clark for their generous assistance and expertise, the creative design with a small space will be a big impact for our community.”
“The Library is considered quite underfunded with an operating rate which leaves few dollars for updates, repairs to the facility or refurbishment,” states Halikias. “Without grant funding for projects it is difficult to be a steward to the facility and perform modifications or repairs. Through the Live and Learn Construction grant, we now have an opportunity to leap forward in our services.” The grant is considered competitive, and involves careful evaluation before a committee through the Illinois State Library.
Cordogan and Clark will be managing the project, and request for bids for components of the project are expected to be launched in the fall, with award decisions made in November. The Library plans on performing the renovations through the winter to save on construction costs, and open the NOWspace in the spring. Brian Kronewitter, Executive Vice-President, will provide key oversight in the construction elements of the project. Both John Cordogan and John Clark, founders of the firm, have significant ties to Sugar Grove and were the architects and builders of the current facility.
Further updates to the project will be promoted as details are available. You may contact Library Director Shannon Halikias at or visit the Library located at 125 S. Municipal Drive in Sugar Grove.
You may contact Shannon Halikias for clarification about content or releases. We welcome interviews, photo opportunities, and informational requests.
Shannon Halikias
Library Director, Sugar Grove Library
(630) 466-4686